Timothy Arview is a republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. He and Chad endorsed each other.
William Kelly is a republican candidate for Illinois secretary of state. He and Chad endorsed each other.
Diane Harris was a vice-chairman and chairman of the Illinois Center Right Coalition. Chad was an ICRC vice-chairman. She's running for the state senate, in the 43rd District. She and Chad endorsed each other.
Mike Psak (a 2008 U.S. Senate candidate) endorsed Chad.
James Mitchell (a 2008 presidential candidate, 2006 8th Congressional District candidate and former chairman of the Illinois Center Right Coalition) is running for Lake Co. Board, in the 1st District. On April 26, Chad and James endorsed each other.
Chad Koppie was endorsed by Allison Salinas, a former U.S. Senate candidate.
Chad Koppie is a true leader. — Example Endorsement