Chad on the IssuesTHE SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFEWhen it comes to dealing with the many troublesome issues weare facing today, the most important thing to keep in mind is that, as apeople, we have lost our way. When our country was founded, it wasbased on the belief, as stated in our Declaration of Independence, thatlife and liberty come from God. We upheld the value of each humanlife, because each person is precious in God’s eyes, and we understoodthat no one’s rights can be violated, because those rights come fromGod, and not from us.We upheld virtue, hard work, and sacrifice. Honesty and integritywere expected of our leaders in government, and we expected this ofeach other as well.Look at society today, however. Do we still uphold those samevalues in our society? Do we still expect the same things of our leadersin government, and of ourselves?The most obvious way in which we have fallen from our once-noble heights is seen in the eld of abortion. Today 4,000 children areaborted in the womb every single day, right here in America. We usedto be an example of liberty and freedom to the whole world---a shiningcity on a hill, as Ronald Reagan described us. Yet today, whereonce there was life and hope, we see so much death and darkness.If I am elected to Congress I shall vote for protection for allhuman life and leave none out. For if we are to recapture our legacy ofliberty, we must not casually abandon an entire segment of humanityto the abortionist’s knife. Furthermore, we must not leave mothersalone without the support of the fathers. Therefore, under my bill,deadbeat dads will not be able to buy alcoholic beverages or packagedliquor until they pay up. Likewise, we can place restrictions on theirdriver’s licenses, so that they can only drive to and from work andkeep medical appointments until they are no longer behind on childsupport.I need your help with this. I hope you are with me. Pleasevote for me so that we can make this come true for all the moms andinfants across America who need us to step in and intervene on theirbehalf right now, and so that we might be able to restore faith in ourcountry once more.A TRUCE OF MERCYRespect for human life must not be limited to just our ownshores. We must be good neighbors to those in other parts of theworld, too.The war in Ukraine has restricted food shipments from two of theworld’s largest grain exporters: Russia, and Ukraine. In fact, in someparts of Ukraine, the planting can’t even be done right now becausethe fighting is happening.Furthermore, the war has restricted shipments of fertilizer fromeach of those two countries. Much of the world depends on thatfertilizer as well.Millions of people in Africa and other Third World areas face theprospect of famine and starvation later this year. These are peoplewho bear absolutely no responsibility for the war in Ukraine one way orthe other, yet they will be the ones who will suffer the heaviest injuryof all. We ourselves may likewise face some food shortages here, andwe can expect greatly increased grocery bills, in any event.What we need right now is a Truce of Mercy. We mustimmediately see if we can mediate a cease-fire in Ukraine throughoutthe planting season, the growing season, and the harvest season, sothat Russia and Ukraine can once again export grain and fertilizer.We likewise must have a Congress which recognizes the need forthis. We must have a Congress which will insist that President Bidenuses all of our diplomatic and economic clout in order to get both sidesto agree to a cease-fire, at least until the harvest is in later this year.Hopefully, this can then lead to the opportunity for clearer heads and rational thinking to prevail, in the long run, as well.
Chad wants to ensure that Congress will obey the Constitution. He wants to cut spending, from each cabinet department and agency by at least 3%, each year. Since the federal government would need less money, the same bill would cut tax rates. He'd like to abolish the Federal Reserve.
Chad supports the 2nd Amendment. He knows that law-abiding Americans can own guns to defend themselves. He'll never vote for any gun control bills.
Chad supports building the wall, along the Mexican border. He says that ICE should try to arrest and deport all illegal aliens.
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